What is Paidvert? Paydvert is a PTC site.
PTC means 5 minutes of income after seeing Ed.
Paydvert has been around since 20 and they are paying their members money every day.
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What you need to do:
2. A mobile or computer
2. Internet connection
2. A paidvert account.
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How to open an account:
Clicking on the link below will bring up Paidvert's dashboard.
This is the dashboard. Now click on signup from the dashboard
This time the house will come down
Enter your nickname, email, confirmation email, password, birthday right here.
General Chat Chat Lounge
Note: You cannot open more than one account on a mobile or computer.
If you can ban all the bananas.
Of course, click on my link to open the account.
That's my referral link. If I open my referral, I get some commission.
Also, if I open my referral I will help you more easily.
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Things to do: Paidvert work is quite different from other PTCs.
The work here can be divided into 2 parts.
2. Meet Bap Aid
2. Level up
2. Meet Paid Aid
Detailed discussion about that
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2. Visit Bap Aid: Paid You Get Free 120 Bap + And Every Day
Claim 1 Bap = 1 Bap.
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What is bap? Bap is a dollar currency.
Bap calculates the level in paydvert.
Every day you see these free Bap Aids, Bap will continue to grow.
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2. Level up: Paidvert has 3 levels in total.
Every level of income is different.
For example
Level 1 = 0-1599
Level 1 = 1600_11999
Level 2 = 12000-23999
Level 1 = 24000-47999
Level 1 = 48000_95999
Level 1 = 96000-179999
Level 1 = 180000_359999
Level 1 = 360000-719999
Up to our target level_.
Level-1 offers $ 5 a day.
From which you can buy Bap with 1 dollar a day there and keep level.
And the remaining $ 2 is our daily profit.
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Why buy Bap? When we see Free Bap or not
Open an account to invest a few dollars and go straight to level-1.
Then Paidvert will give us the opportunity to see $ 5 a day
By coming to these paid aids they cut some amount of bap
Will take
Your total
Bap they cut it
Pay aids
So keeping the level right
The same amount every day
Buy Bap to get paid aid and keep level
Will be
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How to buy Bap?
Click on BuyAds to come to Paidvert's dashboard to buy Bap
have to do.
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From here
Bulk ads options
Have to click
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It's 9am here
The options give you
Will be
The 5th option is your own or someone else's
Of a website
You have to pay the link.
The second option is 3 sites
You have to write about 5 lines in that place.
General Chat Chat Lounge
The third option is you
How Much Dollar to Buy Bap
The amount of it you want
have to give.
For example
$ 5 in paidvert
Bought through 25 Bap
The dollars you enter
With that dollar
25 times.
For example, select $ 5
If you do
1 * 25 = 120 Bap
Will get
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The fourth option is you
To select payment
Will be That is, this balance
Where are you from
Will give
For example, Parfect money
Solid trust
Earning balance
The amount of dollars you have
Select it there. This time the thief came down and clicked on the corner and click Finish. Automatic Bap will add you.
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2. See Paid Add:
Bap Aid looks exactly like Paid Aid. There is only one difference. bap ad paidvert daily free. And paid aid means cents or dollars. Which you will get daily by cutting some amount of bap. General Chat Chat Lounge According to the special note level, everyone is given a variety of paid aid. The higher the level, the higher the dollar paid.
General Chat Chat Lounge
Remember: I wrote the post with great difficulty. If anyone wants to open an account. Then, of course, click on my referral to open an account. I will get some commission. If only my writing would be worthwhile.